Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 33 - The Power of Offence

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"When we know who we are offense takes on a different role in our lives. We have choice. With choice comes freedom and power. That’s the destiny of a victor."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 217.

People often misunderstand the feeling of power that comes with being offended.  We tend to believe that in our offense we have a newfound authority over those who have offended us.  Offense speaks from the belief that the offended is correct and the offender is in the wrong.  Though this may be the very case, the power that the offended feels is a short lived and extremely unproductive kind of power in their lives.

All too often those who are offended have come into this condition because of a challenge (real or perceived) to their identity.  Offense is extremely easy when we have a wrong view of who we are.  When we are satisfied with allowing the roles we play to define who we are offense happens more and more in ways that establish victim thinking habits for people in this world.

Victors have found their identity has been established and secured by what God has spoken in their lives.  The success or failure of the roles that they play and what others may say about them as they work out their roles, don't drive the victor to offense as quickly as it used to when they were confused about their identity.  When the victor is offended the reality of their identity helps them to move out of that place of offence before victim thinking can take hold of their lives.

The power that the offended feels is a choice challenged power.  In other words the offended has little choice but to react in ever increasing victim thinking ways.  And, as we have seen in the past, those stuck in victim thinking ways are doomed to become victimizers themselves.  Offense leads to victim thinking which then leads to situations where the offended can become offenders in one way or another.

Check out what our bible verse for today says about the power we have in our identity.

 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

Offense is really about fear.  It's about the fear that we have when someone says or does something that contradicts the identity we want others to understand about ourselves.  It's about the fear that we allow to control our lives when it is a possibility that the good things in our life might be challenged by those around us.  It is the fear that comes when we just don't know who we are and we are afraid others might not to be able to accept or love us when our identity is in question.

Being offended might bring a sense of power into our lives but that power doesn't hold a candle to the power God is talking about in the 2 Timothy verse we read earlier.  There is real power in our identity.  Power to overcome fear.  Power to realize that we are loved for exactly who God made us to be.  Power to live in our status as a victor when victimizing events try to bring offense into our lives.

When someone says or does something today that offends you maybe it's time to try something different.  Maybe it's time to reject that false power we all feel when we are offended and step out of that spirit of fear into the place of power that is love and self-control.  This is one of the ways victors can walk in the fullness of their status when the craziness of this world allow situations to offend us.  Make the power God has provided to you, the victor, something you choose over the timid power that comes with offence.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Day 32 - Relationship/Identity Connection

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"When it comes to identity, relationship is the only way to the freedom that God intended for us in the first place."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 72.

Many of us use relationships as a tool to help shape the image we want people to perceive when it comes to who we think we need to be in order to be accepted and loved.  We often join certain clubs, go to certain restaurants, drive a certain kind of car, buy a certain house in a certain neighborhood and on and on, in order to be surrounded by the " right" kinds of people so that we might better fit in.  It's no wonder we live in a world suffering from an identity crisis.  Working so hard to position how people see us in order to establish who we are is a strategy filled with victim thinking opportunities.

Look, join any club you want, by any car you would like, live in whatever style house that fits your need, but don't do these things in order to project an identity that you think people want to see.  Ultimately, everyone will recognize how false that kind of identity is and the relationships that result will never provide the power they were designed to have in the victor's life.

The Bible places a significant importance on relationships by using the words "one" and "unity." Checked out today's reading in light of the power of these words as they define relationship.

...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17:21-23 (NIV)

There is something very important to God about being unified .  Look how Jesus defines unity, it is being in each other.  In other words relational unity happens when we are so involved, so intimately connected in each other's lives that our individual differences actually augment our unity rather than tears it apart.

I have come to learn that relationships are a valuable commodity in the economy of heaven.  Using relationship to try to prove or enhance one's identity falls significantly short of the big purpose God has for relationship in the life of the victor.

God doesn't call was us his children because he needs something from us or he is looking for some level of completion to relationship with us that he's otherwise missing.  He calls us his children because we are at one with him.  The only reason we have to be able to trust our status as a victor in a world where victimizing events happen to us all is that we are at one with God, unified in a way that makes relationship with him a powerful ally in the battles we have in this world.

I've heard it said many times, "Your friends tell a lot about who you are." If the friends you have chosen to be a part of your life are there to make your identity be something you want it to be, this says a lot about what you believe your status as a victor is in this world.  Unfortunately these kinds of friends are the hallmark of those stuck in victim thinking.  If, on the other hand, your friends are more than friends; if they constitute the kinds of relationships described in today's reading, you stand the best chance of having a support mechanism in your life to help you maintain your victor status even when victimizing events happen in your life.

How does one develop these kinds of relationships out of the friends they have in their life?  I believe it starts when the victor fully steps into that place of oneness, unity with God.  It is when we stop using God to try to make our life and our identity more than what He has ordained to be.  It is when we begin to trust that glory that Jesus says came from the father through him and was given to us when we begin to walk fully in the status of being a child of God, and therefore a victor.  Let today be a day when you're drawn closer to God and to each other because of the fullness, the unity, and the power of relationship in your life.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day 31 - The Victor's Peace

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"There is great peace that comes with being a victor. The world is missing that peace and is hungry for it."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 47.

The world really is hungry for peace.  I know it doesn't look that way and I know that lasting peace is probably just a pie in the sky kind of dream.  Deep down inside we long for, search for, and do all that we can to let peace be a part of our lives.

Today's bible reading sheds an import light on the issue of peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

A friend of mine, who was going through some really challenging times, came to me one day with this verse.  He said something that has totally changed my perspective on what peace is all about in my life.  I don't know if you're like me, but I've always been focused on the first sentence in this verse.  God promises to give us peace and I really want that peace in my life, don't you?

What really changed my thinking was the second sentence in this verse.  Jesus says, " I do not give to you as the world gives." At first glance, this seems to be a pretty innocuous statement.  But if you really dig into what is being said your perspective on what peace is has to change.

You see, if you believe that peace can only be defined on your own terms this verse is going to ultimately be huge disappointing  lie in your life.  How can I say that?  Think about what peace means to you right now.  Has there ever been a time in your life when that peace was not there?  Did you ask God to give you that peace?  How did He respond?  If you're like the vast majority of us the kind of peace we look for in our lives isn't always given to us by God.  So, if my peace, the peace I define as what is needed to quiet the fear in my soul, isn't always given by God than maybe me definition of peace differs from the peace that Jesus is talking about in the verse about.

That's what my friend showed that particular day when we discussed peace in light of this verse.  Jesus' peace is not the same as the peace we expect in this world.  And least it's not the same all the time!  The verse very clear.  Jesus gives us peace but that peace is not always the same as what the world offers.  Failing to grasp this perspective on peace is a sure fire way to usher victim thinking into your life.

Victim thinking can happen as we experience any kind of failure over and over again.  I can't think of any bigger failure than to expect something from God, be told that he wants to give that thing to me, ask for it, then fail to see it happen in my life.  Having the wrong perspective on what we are told we will receive from God sets us up for failure, and therefore, victim thinking.

This friend, who showed me this perspective on peace, was a perfect example of the process for a victim thinking described above.  At the time we were meeting he was in a position where it looked as though his business wasn't going to make it.  Don't you know this friend was experiencing a profound lack of peace in his life with the prospect of a failing business.  Very little would have brought him a greater sense of peace in his life than to have his business be able to prosper.  He had been praying, maybe it would be more accurate to say, begging God for that peace!  Ultimately my friend's business failed. The longer he saw the failure of the outcome that defined peace to materialize the more depressed he became due to the victim thinking burdens he was carrying. On this particular day he and I met, this verse helped to clear the fog that surrounds victim thinking and my friend was able to press on with what he had to do as a victor. In that place my friend found a peace that definitely was not of this world. Jesus gave peace, however, it was a peace that was completely different than what my friend thought he needed.

Today's verse opened my friend's eyes to the fact that God was bringing peace in his life in a totally different way.  Sure my friend wanted the peace that would come with a successful business but his victor status in God's eyes made him realize God's peace, whatever that may look like is better for him in the long run.

What is it in your life that you believe would bring you peace today?  Are you asking God for that peace?  Are you seeing that peace happening right now?  Try viewing the word peace in a different way.  Ask for and expect to receive the peace that Jesus promises in our reading today.  It may not be exactly what you want, but it will be exactly what you need!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 30 - The Blame Game

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“What people fail to realize is that no one can make me feel like anything; I have to choose to feel that way.”

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 11.

The words, “You made me feel…” simply don’t belong together. It’s like saying; “My sports car made me get a ticket because it is so fast.” Really? The car made you break the speed limit? Is that really true? No, the ticket came when I chose to let that sports car do what it was made to do. It’s my fault, not the cars. That’s the issue when it comes to victim thinking that results from feelings being hurt; I don’t want to take any responsibility for the blame when it comes to my feelings.

I know that sounds harsh, but it's true. Blame is the central sources to feelings being hurt and my reactions to those hurt feelings. Of course there are those haters out there who are going to want to tear you down and will use their carefully chosen words to do so. Those people are filled with victim thinking and want you to be so as well. The hurt that comes when those people work to tear you down is an entirely different circumstance that has little to do with whether I’m a victim thinker or someone living like a victor. Blame is appropriately placed on those haters when they use their words to tear us down.

I’m more focused on those people, who have my best interest at heart, who have said something that hurt my feelings. Victors have learned that hurt feelings come by choice when those feelings are the result of a loved one saying something that has brought pain into their lives. In most of these situations the words spoken that have resulted in some negative feelings came about because of what is going on in me, not what is going on in someone else.

Take a look at today’s Bible reading;

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 (NIV)

Placing my focus on the words of someone else to assign blame when my feelings get hurt misses the mark. Fear of man is epitomized by caring what others think. Trusting God means that the victor trusts what God says about him or her. The victor is God’s beloved. He or she is God’s heir, an adopted child chosen and loved by a Father who created the victor in the first place. Anytime words from a loved one, who has my best interest at heart, bring a stinging feeling in my life, I need to look at myself when it comes to allocating blame. What part of my trust in who God says I am am I allowing to be challenged by the words I heard?

Today, listen closely to the words you hear and watch for your reaction. Hurt feelings are typically a sign that the victor has gotten his or her focus wrong. Preoccupation with the horizontal is a victim thinking playground. Our vertical relationship with God is what makes it possible for you and me to live like a victor. When the sting of offense comes from words today, remind yourself who you are in Christ and live the victor’s life every chance you get.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 29 - God Hates Religion

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"I believe God despises religion. "

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 67.

A few years ago there was an Internet video war that took place over the issue of God and religion.  On one side was a young, hip looking, well spoken and enthusiastic man denouncing the relationship breaking aspects religion has allowed to happen for so many years now.  On the other side were established, robed, well spoken, passionate and honored professional ministers bestowing the praises of religion.

There were some excellent points made by both sides of this Internet video war.  Unfortunately, like almost any other issue where more than one view can be debated, sides were drawn in a way that brought about needless and unproductive disunity. Even though I've entitled today's talk "God Hates Religion" I don't in any way believe God has taken sides when it comes to this little Internet video war.

I do believe that God has no use for man's religion at all.  I also happen to believe that both sides of this Internet video war were correct.  God is just as proud and just as much part of the systems, structure and traditions of organized religion as long as those systems, structures and traditions don't get in the way of the individual coming into the fullness of whom God made them to be.

Where religion crosses the line, as far as God is concerned, is when we lean more fully on our own abilities through systems, structures and traditions to draw closer to him.  When we put anything in place that requires the victor to perform in order to draw closer to their God we flirt with victim thinking results that work to get us so far off track.

Today's bible reading sums up the foundation from which religion is either praised are condemned by God.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

Freedom is what God wants for us all.  Any organization, including a religious organization, that puts in place obstacles and somehow deters that freedom for the members of that organization is something that God does can stand.  The spirit of the lord can be in the most organized, systematized and tradition filled organization just as much as it can be in the most disorganized, unsystematized in traditionless one.  Just like people, you can't judge an organization by what it looks like.  Freedom has to be the hallmark of any system of religion in order for that religion to be something then I believe God is behind.

It is when we allow ourselves to be judged based on our ability to perform in certain ways when victim thinking can creep into our lives.  Our relationship with God has nothing to do with performance.  We are who we are because what he is done for us and who he sees us to be.

The religion that God hates is one that makes us feel anything less than the fullness of what God sees us to be.  The religion that God loves is one that does all it can to help us realize the victor status he paid such a high price for us all to have.  That religion uses anything, including organization, systems and tradition to help the individual find freedom in their God given identity.

I believe the same goes for everything that we are involved in.  Every organization we're part of, our family, our work, our community, especially our church turns into religion when performance is used as the basis for determining  and promoting identity.  We may recognize that that is happening in some of the organizations we're part of today.  Religion might be creeping in.  The fact is we may not be able to stop the negative side of religion from influencing the groups that we're part of both secular in non-secular like.  This doesn't mean but we have to abandon that group.  It just means that we need to focus more fully on who God has made as to be.

Take time today to do our religion check in your life.  Are you involved in organizations that are demanding your identity the shaped by how well you do things for that organization?  If so, you may not be in a position to change out of that organization or to change the way the organization operates but you are in a position to operate in your true identity.  The fact that God sees you as a victor no matter how well you perform can make a difference in how you operate within the organization's you find yourself part of today.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 28 - The Reward System

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Those stuck holding onto the premise that the holy deserve only blessing or good are doomed to see victim thinking dominating their lives and impacting their identity. So was the case with Job and Job’s friends."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 53.

Much of the book of Job in the Bible is filled with one person after another trying to convince each other about how good or how bad they are in God's eyes.  On one side you have the righteous camp of people trying to make sense of the bad times that it entered into Job's life by trying to prove that there must be some hidden badness that God is trying to weed out as a result of the challenging circumstances that Job faced.  On the other side you had poor Job just trying to make it through another day as a result of the numerous calamities that came against him and his family in such a short time.

These so called friends of Job were, at times, desperate to find this sin in his life so as to be able to come to some sense of justification as to why God would chose to take such radical actions in Job's life.  I believe they were desperate to find that sin because the alternative of, "God being God" just wasn't an option they were willing to consider in their lives.  After all, if God would allow such badness to happen in the life of a righteous man how safe is they're comfortable lifestyle before the same God?

Living in a world where only good happens to good people and bad happens to the bad is a fool's paradise.  This world just doesn't exist.  Good and bad happen to the good and to the bad.  Victim thinking is sure to follow if we believe our right living demands that our comfortable life not be challenged.  God is not in any way against us having a comfortable life.  He is more concerned with our character and with his plan to reach all on this earth than to be focused on the day today comforts we may crave.

Don't misinterpret that last paragraph as meaning God doesn't care for us or for what we care for.  That's a lie that Satan wants us to believe when we face hard times in our life.  The fact is God loves us, knows everything about us, and knows exactly what we need in our lives right now for God's plan to be seen most powerfully in and through our world.  Sometimes the temporary challenges we face in this world are there for a purpose greater than we will see in this lifetime.
Here's what the bible says on this subject.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

Sometimes the troubles in the face are there so that we can receive comfort from God.  What's the purpose of the comfort of God?  It's not to make us comfortable because we deserve that comfort, but as our reading says, His comfort is there so that we can be a comfort to others.

I know this truth doesn't eliminate the pain we feel as a go-through challenging times.  In fact, this truth isn't motivation enough for me to ever want to trade my comfortable times for any challenges in this life.  This doesn't make me bad, or wrong, or unacceptable, or unlovable - that reality in my life makes me human.

What the truths explained in our Bible reading does for the victor is to give us hope.  There is hope in knowing that God is with us and that He wants to comfort us.  There is also hoping knowing that the challenging times we face are there for reason - to be put in as best a position as possible to be a comfort to others.

Look, good times as well as bad are going to be a part of our lives.  I simply don't believe that God is rewarding me for being good with good times in my life and it just doesn't match up to the plan of salvation God is made so clear to us that He would be punishing us with bad times as a result of the badness in our lives.  Believing in a reward and punishment system of God is a space where victim thinking thrives.

Is my hope that today you have hope.  If you're facing a bad time right now hang onto two facts; one, God is there to be your comforter during this challenging time, and two, you're being prepared for something bigger, something longer lasting that's coming in the near future.  Hold on to these two facts and hang on to God as you face the storms that might be brewing in your life today.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day 27 - Shame & Identity

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Shame affects our identity…"

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 110.

I've often found that I confuse the definition and feelings surrounding the words guilt and shame.  For the victor, misapplying what guilt and shame means in our life can have detrimental consequences when it comes to the effects of victim thinking.

I've had it explained to me this way.  Guilt is that feeling we get when we know we have done something incorrect.  Shame is believing that our identity is shaped by that bad thing that we did.  Guilt is about what we did, shame is about who we are.  We need to fully understand the importance when it comes to the distinction between guilt and shame if we stand any chance of fending off victim thinking in our lives.

When it comes to guilt, I'm of the opinion that, in moderation, guilt isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Sure we can use guilt as a tool to try to manipulate other people and that is wrong!  When guilt is used as a tool relationships suffer greatly.

When I come face to face with the reality that I may have done something where guilt might be appropriate, not wanting guilt in my life is sometimes what helps me to strive to not do that thing again in the future. Guilt can be a powerful personal motivational tool when properly applied in the life of a victor.

Shame, on the other hand, is something that victors simply can't stand to remain in their lives for long. Shame speaks to the fact that whatever I did that created the feeling of guilt in the first place is a picture of who I am.  Anything temporary, good or bad, that we use to help define our identity makes it that much harder for us to stay out of victim thinking.  Shame is in direct conflict to the identity of the victor when challenging times makes us do things that bring guilt into our existence.

Here's what the bible says about shame in our lives.

Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.  Hebrews 12:2 (The Message)

God knew that we were not created to endure anything that may come against our identity particularly the ravages that can come with the feelings of shame.  Jesus endured the shame of hanging on the cross even though he did nothing to deserve to be there.  He did this so that our identities could be assured, we are children of God and therefore victors because of Jesus' work on the cross for us.

For that reason, we've been given a gift of being able to allow shame to not be a part of who we are.  It truly is our choice!  We can either choose to wallow in the identity crushing pain of shame or step into that place of honor, like Jesus did, and live this life as the victor God created us to be.

How did Jesus choose to endure that shame that was wrongly put on Him? Our reading says He knew who He was because He knew where He was going. He didn't lose sight. That's our charge as well - don't lose sight!

What are you going to choose today?  If you choose shame, victim thinking is going to be part of the burdensome feeling of being trapped in the wrong identity.  By choosing to turn away from shame you set yourself up for the best chance of letting your true identity, that of the victor, to shine in your life. Remember today who you are and where you are headed. Choose the freedom of an identity bought for you on the cross. Choose to reject the identity crushing burdens of shame and be free living the life of a victor.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Day 26 - I AM

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"...these two simple words, “I AM” encompass everything God is and might be in our lives."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 98.

I have a friend who is a recovering drug addict.  This friend has spent many, many years trying to find his way out of the damage that has occurred because of the ravages of his addiction.  The flood of victimizing events that have taken place as a result of the choices this friend has made over the years has enabled victim thinking to be in control of this friend's life for big chunks of his existence.  The fact that this friend would allow himself to victimize others around him is a testament to the power of victim thinking when it takes hold of a life.

This friend's life has been filled with a host of, " I am not…" statements.  I am not lovable!  I am not trustworthy!  I am not acceptable! I am not ever going to make anything of my life!  I am not a good person.

These, and a host of other "I am not…" statements further fuels the victim thinking fire in my friend's life.  The same goes for you and me.  The more we live a life that is summed up with "I am not…" kinds of statements the more we will find the negative effects of victim thinking to be influencing our actions.  I have seen time and time again the actions empowered by victim thinking typically cause victimization to those we would never want to intentionally hurt in our lives.  When it comes to actions empowered by victim thinking the statement, "hurt people hurt people" is such a truth filled sentiment.

Moses in the bible came across an astonishing sight one day.  He noticed a bush was on fire.  What amazed Moses was the fact that the fire caused no damage to the bush.  As he drew close to take a look at this phenomenon a voice came from the bush.  One of the things this voice said to Moses is shown in our reading below.

 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 (NIV)

In the Bible God uses the phrase "I am" as a description of himself from time to time.  At first glance, "I am" seems to be an incomplete statement when it comes to identity. But when you realize that God is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-in-all, "I am" starts to make some sense. Since we are formed in the image of God the "I am" identity is something that, I believe is to be reflected in our lives as well.

One day my friend was saying something when an "I am not..." statement came out of his mouth. I quickly stopped him and said, "It's time that you start living a 'I am" lifestyle!" In other words, it's time to start talking the way God does particularly when it comes to who God sees us to be. God doesn't see us as unlovable, unworthy, amounting to nothing and/or no good like my friend saw himself with his "I am not..." statements. God sees us as he sees himself - not as "I am not..." but as "I am".

Listen to your self-talk today. How many "I am not..." statements will you make today? For the most part these statements are killing your ability to live like the victor you are. Today, when "I am not..." slips out of your mouth or enters into your thinking change it to "I am". You have been made in the image of a God whose name is "I am". Since this is how God already sees you, why not see yourself the same way and let victor living lead the way.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 25- Love Your Neighbor

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“Universal victimization is happening more and more because of the reality that we are becoming too comfortable with our own importance and put too high a stress on the need for being valued through admiration.”

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 10.

Jesus gave us two commands in the New testament of The Bible. The first one can be easily paraphrased as “Love God.” The second command is shown in our Bible verse for today. It says;

“...Love your neighbor as yourself…” Mark 12:31 (NIV)

Love God and love your neighbor. Jesus said, “... there is no commandment greater than these.” Much of the impact of universal victimization (the fact that there seems to be so many more of us in society today that relate to being victims in one way or another) comes from the fact that even though we might be working to love God but we love ourselves more than we love others.

I don’t think Jesus used this verse to bring guilt on those of us that have enjoyed the good things that have come our way in life. I believe that universal victimization happens when we begin to believe that we deserve the good things that we want in our lives. It is in that place of self focus that we can easily forget ½ of the two greatest commandments - love your neighbor as yourself.

When stuck in victim thinking, we tend to see our neighbors as adversaries. How can we ever get the admiration we so deeply crave if someone has more than us? How can I love my neighbor if I’m afraid that the goodness that they might be experiencing might never happen to me? That kind of perspective on life is laced with victim thinking and can lead us to a point where we can become victimizers in one way or another.

Don’t believe me? Think about the root source of gossip? Isn’t it often done in an effort to tear someone down so that the gossiper can feel better about themselves? Those victimized by gossip have been slimed by the need of a victim thinker to feel accepted, worthy or loved in a way that validates their own self importance.

Victors have learned how to recognize the signs of moving in these circles and flee to the safety of love. The love of God and the love of others is what makes victors be able to live, believing that they are accepted, are of worth and are loved even when the worst this world has to offer comes against them.

Today is a great opportunity to live in that place of love. That’s the victor’s home. Let your mantra today be “Love God and Love Others.” Living this kind of live is the hallmark of those living the victor’s life.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 24 - The Power of Presence

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"His presence may not always fill our stomachs or our bank accounts, but His presence is something that is real and can be counted on in the life of a Child of God’s."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 90.

So many of my prayers are focused on the things I need and the things I want.  Believe me when I say that God wants me to pray for my needs and wants.  But is this the full extent of what my prayer life should be focused upon?

In today's Bible reading we're able to listen into a conversation Moses and God had with each other.  I believe that this conversation was actually a prayer.  What amazes me, knowing the difficult situation Moses was in at the time this prayer took place, is what Moses was asking for from God.  Take a look at these three verses from the book of Exodus.

Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” Exodus 33:15-17 (NIV)

Moses doesn't ask God for success, leadership ability, protection, provision, safety, he doesn't even ask that god would intervene with the unruly and hard to lead nation Moses found that he was in control of.  No, Moses asks for something that not many of us think to ask for.  He asks for God's presence to be with him.  In fact Moses goes beyond asking and arguably demands that God's presence be with him.

What's the big deal about the presence of God?  Look at what Moses said in the reading above.  He says, "What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" In other words every one receives provision, protection, leadership ability, safety, and success at times in their life no matter if they believe in a God or not.  If we are to be different, and live the life of the victor God has made us to be, his presence is what will be the difference in our lives.
Moses realized that what set him and the people he led part is God's presence.  The same goes for you and for me.

I don't believe for a minute that Moses wasn't concerned about the exact same needs and wants that you and I have in our life today.  I also don't believe that Moses did not bring those same needs and wants you and I have before God in his prayer time.  I'm sure the Moses begged God for his needs and wants just as much as you and I do.

But Moses realized that no amount of success in his prayer life when it came to his needs or wants will make a difference in this world when compared to the presence God.  I believe that's why he took such a direct stand with God when it came to his presence.  I think that's the stands we too are to take when it comes to seeking God's presence in our life.

Why not try something different today?  As you are prompted to pray to God for your needs and wants toss in one more demand!  Earnestly seek God's presence in all you do.  I believe that his presence will make a big difference in how you view the needs and wants that might challenge your life today.  Nothing empowers the victor more than the knowledge that the presence of god as before you in all that you do.  Made today be a day where your needs and wants are overshadowed, met completely, and/or put in perspective that doesn't challenge your identity as his presence is clearly seen in your life.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 23 - The Foundation of Identity

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"We want to be known so that we might have a shot at knowing ourselves. Again, it is all about identity. We deeply want to know who we are and to be accepted in that knowledge."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 72.

I'm blown away at how much of life is spent searching to try to determine who we are?  Think about your teenage years.  Wasn't much of the trouble that you got into a direct result of your attempts to discover your identity and try to fit in?  How about that mini -midlife crisis you went through not too long ago.  Wasn't that just a last ditch grab at identity during that time of your life?  What about when you got married, or had your first baby, or mourned the loss of your first parent, or when you sent your first child to college, or when you finally left the work force...  Were not these and countless other situations in your life identity challenging times?

I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb by saying that much of what we do, many of the life challenging circumstances we endure have their roots in the questions surrounding who we are.  It seems like just as we start to feel comfortable with our current life situation, and therefore, our identity something comes into our life that makes us doubt who we are. Unfortunately when we are placed in situations where it is easy to doubt our identity victim thinking is not far behind.
In the book of Genesis the creation story says a lot about who we are.  Take a look at today's reading...

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. Genesis 1:26-27 (MSG)

I believe we get so confused when it comes to impunity as life circumstances change because we don't know and/or believe the foundation for who we are.  In our reading today, that says nothing about our life circumstance, our vocation or our ability to interpret these things when it comes to our identity.  The foundation for our identity is God himself.  He made us in his image, we reflect his very nature!

It is when we rely on things of this world, the temporal things, as the foundation for our identity that we get confused and victim thinking can become a significant part of our lives.  It isn't that god doesn't want us to benefit emotionally from the things we do and the circumstances in our life.  The reality is God never intended for anything in this life to be proof of who we are.  That's a lesson that we all seem to struggle to hang onto when circumstances in this life come at us in ways that challenge our identity.

How do you feel about the questions that surround your identity today?  I guarantee that if you are feeling good about who you are right now because of how well your life is going at the moment victim thinking isn't far way.  How can I be so sure of that?  Because circumstances change all the time and changing circumstances challenge the way we think about who we are.

As you are faced with issues that might conflict with your feeling about who you are today why not lean on a foundation of identity that can't be changed with circumstance.  When the questions arise surrounding who you are remember this, your identity is firmly grounded in the image of God.  As strange as it may sound you actually reflect the very nature of the one who created you.  Now that's a foundation you can trust!  Build from that foundation today and watch how confident you will be in the victor God made you to be.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Day 22 - Doing vs Being

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“Doing” is the enemy of “being” when it comes to holiness."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 51.

Oftentimes it would do us very well to simply rely on the " being" part of human-being rather than trying to create a new species called human-doing.  Much of our life is spent in the process of doing rather than just being. This is particularly case when it comes to living a life of holiness.

To be holy means to be set apart.  It has so little to do with the moral choices that come before us every day and has so much more to do with the identity that God has given us.  So many of us get caught in the trap of thinking that there is a lot to do in order to be only.  Sure there are plenty of things we can do to avoid crossing the line from temptation into sin, but applying the strategy of "doing" holy this rather than "being" holy over and over again in our lives sets us up to for the possibility of victim thinking to rule.

The bible says this about how we are to be holy.

You shall be holy, for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16 (ESV)

Some would read this verse as a command to be holy since god is holy.  I see it a little differently.  The word "for" to me means " because".  In that light, I read the verse saying I am holy because god is holy.  It becomes an identity issue for me.

As god's child we are made in the image of our creator.  Even on our worst day, because of our identity in him, we are seen as holy because he is holy. I believe this point is emphasized by the word " be" in today's bible reading.  The verse isn't saying to " do" holy, it says we shall "be holy"!

What's  the big deal about focusing on "being" vs. "doing"?  I happen to believe that the more we do to try to be what we are already the greater the potential for victim thinking to be in control of our lives.  The more effort we put into trying to earn what has already been given the more the sting of failure is possible when our efforts don't rise to the level we expect them to.  When we fail over and over again is when victim thinking has the best opportunity to enter into our lives.  That's why doing is the enemy of being in so much of the life of all who want to live like the victor they've been called to be.

There's nothing wrong with working to eliminate those things in our life that make us less than holy.  It is when we put all our hopes in what we do to try to prove who we already are that victim thinking can be a significant part of our lives.  Doing anything in an effort to prove we are a victor is a complete waste of time.  Our actions and the results of our actions will never be enough to keep victim thinking out of our lives when identity is at issue.

It is my hope that your day will be filled with opportunity after opportunity to experience the fullness of your status in life.  Know this, however, challenges will come your way from time to time.  If you allow challenging results of your efforts to be proof of your status before god victim thinking will surely be the result.

The answer to this dilemma is faith.  It's time to have faith in who you are and whom God has made you to be.  You are his child -this, and this alone makes you a victor.  When you are faced with the temptation to do something to earn the status that has been freely given to you remember that you are a "human-being", not a "human-doing".  Trust who you are, do all your passions empower you to do and let the results be what they will.  This is the way a victor lives a victorious life.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 21 - Roles Are Temporary

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“The reality is that no matter what role we play, no matter how big that role is, no matter the lasting impact that role might have in this world, the roles that we look to for identity are temporary. “

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 16.

I hate to be so morbid, but all roles end when we die. That’s right. Think of all the roles you play right now that you might be using to help define your who you are. When you die, what importance will those roles play? None - those roles will be gone. This fact is embellished by the saying that goes something like this; “What person, on their deathbed ever thought, ‘I wish I had one more day to go to work.’?”

Big roles and small roles - they all end when we take our last breath. What’s to come? Well I believe that we will have roles to play in the next life as well, but who can really say? I do believe that our identity as God’s Child will never change. That is for eternity. Why do I so desperately grab for any tangible role like, business man, parent, spouse, minister or whatever to help define who I am? I believe today’s Bible reading answers that question to a tee!

“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” James 4:14 (NIV)

Life as we know it is so short. The concept of eternity is almost impossible to fathom given a body that only lasts less than a century, at best. Dealing with one’s mortality is a difficult thing to do. It is something most of us push under the carpet until we are forced by some life changing event to face it head on. Even then we are like the ostrich - so quick to put our head in the sand when faced with the  fears that surrounds the “mist” of our lives. Victim thinking is what helps to make us so focused on the here and now when we have all eternity to live life.

The victor isn’t immune to the feelings that come up when mortality is discussed. It is just that the victor has his sight, his hopes and his identity all focused on the life to come. It’s not that the victor isn’t concerned with the legacy left as a result of living a good life. It is just that the victor knows that the legacy from a good life lived these 80+ years here can’t hold a candle to the legacy of living a good life for all eternity. This long-term perspective makes the challenges the victor faces here in this life less of a burden to carry due to the fact he or she knows who they are.

This doesn’t make the roles you play right now less important. Nor does it make the sting that comes when those roles don’t work out the way you planned any less painful. A long-term perspective does make it harder for the victor to slip into prolonged victim thinking. That fact makes it so much more possible for us to live like a victor even when the world is trying its best to victimize us.

So, as you face the various roles you play today, take a different tact. Put the roles you play in the perspective of eternity. Realize that those roles, no matter how good or bad, large or small they are right now, are temporary. For this reason, it just doesn’t make sense for you to allow those roles, or the results of those roles you will play today, to shape who you are. Your identity as a victor is assured because of God’s Love for you, not because of you ability to do something significant in your life today.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 20 - The Soul, Friend or Foe

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"The soul is a powerful ally AND enemy to those of us trying to rid our lives of victim thinking and live a life as a victor."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 107.

The soul is that part of our being that is made up of our will, our intellect and our emotions.  The soul is a powerful force in the life of us all.  It is during those times when we are able to make our will align with our intellect and emotions that almost nothing can stop us.

Think about those times in your life when you have felt the most success.  If you were to look close enough into the process that led to that success you'd see that your soul, and the elements that make up your soul, had a lot to do with the level of success you achieved.  I'd be willing to bet that had it not been for your will saying "I will not give up until this happens!", or your intellect pulling together all the pieces needed to make that success a reality, or your emotions fueled by the passion of what you were doing, the outcome might have been something completely different.

That's the power of our human soul when it comes to helping us achieve positive outcomes in our lives.  Unfortunately the power of our soul can also work in ways that limit our ability to ward off victim thinking.  Our will and intellect and emotions can be our enemy  as we seek to live the life of the victor.

The soul's response to negative things that have come our way enable our will, intellect and emotions to be empowered in ways that can create victim thinking patterns in our life.  It isn't as though the sole doesn't want us to succeed.  It's more accurate to say that our soul works to protect us from future damage that may impact our lives.  Even though the soul is working from the place of our best intentions oftentimes the sole mistakenly creates a fear driven pattern of dealing with the potential for negative outcome in our lives.  Victim thinking is fueled by fear driven actions.

When our will, intellect and emotions work to protect us from perceived dangers that may or may not exist we can begin to institute coping mechanisms in our life based on victim thinking practices.  Those coping mechanisms, although helpful at times, often lead victim thinkers in ways that end up crippling them from ever seeing victory in their lives.

When bad things happen in our lives the soul works like this.  The will says, " I will never let this happen to me again!" The intellect kicks in and works overtime to analyze every situation, every word that is spoken, and every action in a relationship to try to determine if that negative thing might be the result.  The emotions come alive and scream at the top of their lungs, "This can't be happening to us!" So much of the powerful and valuable resources of the human soul get wasted in the attempts to fend off the potential for bad to happen rather than working to enable good to be a part of our lives.

Here's what the bible says about our soul in light of living the life of the victor.

Truly my soul finds rest in God my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1 (NIV)

The answer to the burdened and overworked soul when it is leading us into victim thinking is to trust in God.  Don't you feel a tiredness that go so much deeper than just the physical?  That's what it feels like when our souls need rest!  That rest can happen as we enter into the process of learning how to trust god even more with our lives.

Don't get me wrong, it takes the lot of work to enable us to trust god.  It takes our will, our intellect and our emotions to learn and apply trust.  Crazy thing is, this kind of work actually feeds the sole -it brings an energy to the soul that is simply hard to explain.

The work the sole does to try to protect us all the time drains the life out of its.  When we empower our souls to exclusively protect us from negative things happening to us we are discounting the power of trust in God.  That strategy of trusting the soul over trusting God often works for a while but ultimately it will fail us, and fail as profoundly!  When that happens victim thinking stands at the ready to take over.

Today can be very different for you.  Today can be a day where you give your soul a break.  When you feel the familiar panic in tiredness in your soul stop!  Turn to God and trust that he has a plan for all the good and for all the bad that might come your way today.  That's how a victor takes advantage of the powerful tool God has given us called the soul.  Turn your soul loose today to make the most of placing your trust in him!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 19 - Self-Importance

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"‘Bloated by self-importance... soul empty…’ Roles, on their own, do that to us. When our roles are working well, we can’t help but think more highly of ourselves than is good for us. The better our lives the more bloated we may become."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 19.

Ever get that bloated feeling after you had a bit too much to eat or drink? It’s uncomfortable. Frankly it’s kind of grotesque how your poor belly looks when you are suffering from that bloated feeling. Bloated is a vivid and accurate description used for those who allow self-importance to creep into their lives.

Unlike being bloated from eating too much, self-importance is not something that is so easy to recognize by those suffering from its effects at times. Self importance sneaks in at the most covert and, often times, good intentioned ways. Self-importance is a soul condition. It is an ailment that comes from and, impacts our will, emotions and intellect. Left too long, that bloated feeling of self-importance leaves our soul empty; devoid of the stuff that makes us the relational beings God created us to be.

The Bible paints a picture of the ultimate in self-importance. Satan said the words in today’s reading below;

“You said in your heart,   ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne    above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,    on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;    I will make myself like the Most High.’” Isaiah 14:13-14 (NIV)

Did you notice the two words that were repeated over and over again in the reading above? Those two little words, “I Will”, are at the center of what can turn any victor into a victim thinker if they are left to linger in their lives. “I Will” is not an evil statement on its own. It’s when we engage the soul’s power of will, intellect and emotions to try and guarantee the “I Will” that the victor is flirting with victim thinking disaster. That’s when the bloated feeling of self-importance can take over and the soul can be damaged to the point of becoming void of its life giving forces.

Role based identity is a killer to the soul when it is empowered by self-importance. The “I Will’s” of striving to make roles work so our identity is secure is what ushers in wave after wave of victim thinking events. When we come face to face with the chasm that is the potential for our “I Will” to not happen, our souls can collapse into the place where the empty soul resides.

That’s why victors fight to keep their identities free from the soul robbing dependence on how any particular role might turn out. Identity based on roles is a sure-fire way to taste failure. Repeated failure opens the door to victim thinking. Those stuck in victim thinking turn out to be the most self-important beings on the planet. You can almost hear the faint echos of “I Will” in the empty soul of the bloated victim thinker stuck in their self-important life.

Victors aren’t immune to self-importance. In fact most victors have been there time and time again. Sadly, we will go there again in the future. What sets victors apart is the fact that they recognize the bloated feeling of self-importance and take steps to move from that soul challenged place to the place of security and freedom that is their true identity as God’s Child.

Today you have the chance to do a real “gut check.” Do you feel bloated? Better yet, do those who know you the best recognize any of the characteristics of a bloated, self-important soul? If so, change is easy. Take time today to consider the “I Will’s” in your life. Are they appropriate given what you know about your true identity? Are the “I Will’s” leading you to do things in a way to help bolster your identity? Nothing you do today, or the rest of your life, will do anything to make your identity more secure, more perfect, more long-lasting than simply believing you are all you God created you to be. Go out and live a life free of self-importance today. That’s the victor’s promise for your life as you live out the God empowered day He has set before.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 18 - When God is Hard to Trust

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


God is good no matter how much goodness we have in our lives

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 93.

Trying to quantify the goodness of God by how good our life is right now is a recipe for disaster for those of us attempting to live this life as a victor.  If God is a good God as the Bible says then His goodness is just as relevant when the goodies we all hope for seem to be missing so completely in our life.

I can't tell you how many people I have known who have lived a life of belief in God's goodness based on the good things they have in their life.  Those same people find it a challenge to have faith in God when, for reasons we may never know, God chooses to allow this world to come against the good life we seek so hard to have.  A faith in a good God based on the proof of a good life is not a faith the victor can trust.

I am in no way saying that it is God's intention for us to suffer just for sufferings sake.  Suffering isn't proof that we serve an evil God just as goodness isn't proof that we serve a good God.  Good and bad are going to happen to the victor as well as the victim thinker in this fallen world.  Trying to look to our circumstances as proof of the kind of God we have in our life or as confirmation that we are following this God in an appropriate manner makes it so hard to live this life as a victor.  Victors who rely on their circumstances as proof of anything about their identity or about the identity of their God are sure to be trapped in the tangled web of victim thinking.

The bible says this about God's goodness,

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. Mark 10:18 (NIV)
Here is the very Son of God, the only perfect human being to ever have walked the face of the earth, and the one person who has the best grasp on the goodness of God saying that no one, including himself, is good except God the father alone.  Jesus never let his circumstances be the guiding light when it comes to whether God was good or not.  If anyone had the right to challenge the goodness of God based on his circumstance, Jesus would be the foremost example for us to follow because of the horrific ending to his life.  Yet through all the suffering that he faced Jesus never wavered on his belief in God's goodness.

It is such a damaging practice for victors to allow their circumstances to influence their belief in this good God.  Victim thinking is sure to follow when victors rely on their good life as proof of the nature of God.  Of course the victor wants and pursues as much good as they can achieve in this life.  But when the bad times come victors simply choose to continue believing in the goodness of God.

When victors choose to have faith in God's goodness even when their circumstances don't reflect the kind of good life they would like to have they're just like Jesus in believing that God's plan trumps the evil causing the bad times in the their life.  The victor doesn't believe that God causes bad times in their life but rather the bad times are being used by God for purpose that are even bigger than the good life we all want for ourselves.  That kind of eternal perspective makes God a proud father of his children.

I firmly believe that God knows how hard it is for us to trust him when bad times are part of our life.  I don't believe for a second that God in any way looks down on us when the challenges of this life make us doubt His goodness.  I do believe that God beams with pride when his children persevere through the bad times choosing to believe that his goodness abounds.

When the challenging times come against you remember two things.  First of all remember who you are -you are God's child and this makes you a victor.  Second remember he is good and all of the bad that this world interjects into our lives can never change that fact.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 17 - Staying Close

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Victim thinking draws us away from that Father."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 91.

When victim thinking is firmly in control, life can be extremely lonely.  Friends, family members, coworkers, and even God can become a distant reality when victim thinking is the driving force behind how we relate to others.

All the relationships described above, with the exception of our relationship with God, it is the attitude and demeanor of the victim thinker that drives people away.  God, on the other hand, never leaves nor does he forsake.  To the victim thinker, though, it feels like God has abandoned them just like everyone else seems to be doing.

It isn't that God has left them.  It is the victim thinking that has drawn the person trapped in that situation away from God.  God is still there, it is just hard to see Him through the cloud of victim thinking.

The only way I've found to counteract the feelings of loneliness when victim thinking is in control is to focus on my true identity.  Victim thinking happens when I've forgotten who I am.  I am the beloved child of God's!  That, and that alone is what makes me a victor!

Checked out what the Bible says about who we are in God's eyes.

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. Romans 8:15-16 (MSG)

We know who He is and we know who we are, father and children.  Hanging on to this fact gives those of us caught in victim thinking a chance to live the life of the victor God is made us to be.  Sure the challenges of this life are going to knock us off track now and again.  Children of the most high seem to be able to rebound to the solid place of being a victor even when victory seems to be so far out of reach.

When challenging times com and you feel the pangs of loneliness starting to creep into your life remember who you are.  You are a Kid of the King's!  You are an heir to the kingdom of God!  You are a victor and nothing in this world can change that fact except your choice to believe something different.

Don't let the challenging circumstances you may face today distract you from the fact that your status as God's child has been bought at a great price.  This makes you a victor and nothing bad that comes at you can change that fact.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Day 16 - The Purpose Of Life

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"When we believe we are condemned we begin to see all the things around us that seem to be adding to that condemnation."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 62.

Victim thinking happens when we take on an attitude about ourselves that is something less than what God sees for us.  So many of us are walking around with the dark cloud of condemnation hanging over our heads.  The more we remain in that place of believing that we are not worthy the more life circumstances will seem to point out how much we deserve to be condemned.

For those who believe in Jesus Christ, this couldn't be further from the truth.  He came to this earth, lived a sinless life, and receive the wrath of condemnation that we all deserved.  He paid the price so that none of us would have to feel condemnation in our lives.

If that is the case, why is it that so many of us Christians carry around the weight of condemnation?  I believe it is because we don't understand and/or trust in the love of God.

Rick Warren has a new study out based on his bestseller "Purpose Driven Life".  It is called "What On Earth Am I Hear For".  In one of the first study sessions he asks the question, "What is the main purpose for my existence?" If you are like me you would probably respond to this question with a good, religious answer that goes something like this, I was created to glorify God.

I was shocked to find that this biblically sound and often preached purpose for my life actually misses the mark according to Pastor Warren. According to this study, my main purpose here on earth is to be loved by God.  Did you get that?  Pastor Warren doesn't say our purpose is to love God.  No, our purpose is to be loved by God. That's a radical perspective shift for me. How about you?

Here's what happens when we work to figure out how to best love God. Condemnation happens over and over again as we fail to love God in the way we think we're supposed to.  Trying to figure out how to love God puts us in a place where victim thinking can rule.

The Bible says this about God's love.

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NIV)

The only reason we can even begin to consider loving God, loving others or even loving ourselves is the fact that God first loved us. When we mix that love with the possibility of condemnation we are poised to be trapped in victim thinking.

Once condemnation has been given permission to be a part of our identity,  it tends to snake its way into all the parts of our life - making it so easy to think that we will never measure up. The more and more we live in that space, the more hopeless we become as we deal with the feelings that accompany victim thinking driven by condemnation.

It simply doesn't have to be this way. God paid such a high price for us to be the victors that He sees us as. One of the many benefits of being a victor is the choice as to whether we will live under the cloud of condemnation or not. When you feel the heaviness of condemnation settling into your life today, remember you were created to be loved by Him. There is nothing you can do to foster that love and nothing you can do to lose it. Since that's the case, the pressure is off! By simply being alive you are fulfilling your purpose - God is loving you and that makes you a victor no matter what the world throws at you today.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day 15 - Immutability

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“Victors believe God always delivers on His promises, but realize God has all eternity to make his promises come about.”

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 45.

There is a really interesting word that scholars have attributed to God. That word is “Immutable”. I have to admit, I had to look that word up. I have heard it used from time to time but didn’t have a clue as to what it meant. Immutable means “not capable of or susceptible of change.” Now, that’s a characteristic I wish we saw more of in this world.

Fact is this world is filled with changes. Some of them are good for us others, not so much. Change, and the possibility for change to be negative, is where victim thinking can show up in the life of a victor. It is when we have expectations based on our own perception of what is good for us that we open the door to victim thinking in our lives.

Worse than that, it is in the face of constant change that we doubt the promises of God for the life of a victor. As we are placed in a position where we doubt God’s promises over and over again it gets really easy to doubt whether God is part of our lives at all. That’s when victim thinkers are in the most danger of becoming hopeless and leaving a wake of victims in their paths.

Today’s reading is clear about the immutability of God in our lives. Check it out for yourself.
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever,  the purposes of his heart through all generations. Psalms 33:11 (NIV)

The plans of God are just like God. They stand firm. They aren’t capable of change. They aren’t even susceptible to change having any impact on what those plans look like. That doesn’t mean that how I read God’s promises for my life will happen the way I think or in the timing I might want or even need. No, God’s promises are His. They can’t be changed, not even to suit my way of thinking.

A victor’s status isn’t predicated on how fully God’s promises are being seen in the circumstances of this life. Remember, God has all eternity to make His promises come to fruition. Why do we limit Him to this short lifespan to see His promises happen?

If God is immutable, then his plans, and the promises needed to see those plans happen, cannot be changed. What has to change is my demand for His plans and promises to happen based on my perspective. You are a victor because of God’s unwavering stance on what His plans and promises look like. Don't let victim thinking take hold today because you don’t see victory in certain areas of your life. His unchanging nature is what makes it possible for us to live the life of a victory even when victory eludes us at this moment. Those with an eternal perspective stand the best chance of making victor living part of their everyday life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 14 - Truth & Freedom

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Rights combined with human judgment is a powerful precursor to offense, and offense precedes victimization."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 200.

Don't you just hate that feeling of being offended?  Offense is such a uniquely human experience.  The problem is that offense ushers in victim thinking more than just about anything else in our lives.

I don't know about you but I can exhibit a wide range of emotions when I find that I have been offended.  At times I'm angry, other times I become very defensive and then there are times when I can become cold and emotionally detached from the one who I believe has offended me.

All of those responses puts me, the victor, in a position where I can give up on relationships and become very isolated in my dealings with the world around me.  In other words, victim thinking  can take hold very quickly when offense lingers for long in my life.

Those rights I feel are due me combined with my judgment as to whether my rights are being upheld constitutes the perfect storm of offence in my life.  It is so easy to misjudge and misinterpret the words and actions of others when they appear to be coming up against the perceived rights I hold so dear.  I am shocked by the number of times my misjudgment of a situation has placed me into victim thinking by being offended by a situation I had misread completely in my life.

Sure, there are plenty of situations where people genuinely have it out for us and go out of their way to cause ill in our lives.  Those people are perfect examples of victimizers who had been trapped in victim thinking for such long periods of time.  I believe we have every right to judge whether a person is so stuck in victim thinking that victimization might be the result.  We also have every right to protect ourselves against those people including choosing not to associate with them at all!

But, I have  found that the vast majority of cases where I been offended rarely rise to the level that I just described above.  It's in those minor cases of offense where I may have missed judge something where victim thinking can be so detrimental to me trying to live the life of the victor.  Allowing offense to happen time and time again in my life makes it that much easier for me to stay in victim thinking.

Last thing I want to have happen is to be stuck in victim thinking in ways that might turn me into a victimizer to those around me.  For that reason I'm doing my best to challenge offense in my life.  How does one do that?  I believe the only way I can challenge offense in my life is to consider my rights ad  my judgment of those rights in light of the truth of the situation that offended me in the first place.  I need to be willing and able to find the truth and make amends if I had misjudged a situation.

Here's what the bible says about truth,

you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 (GNT)

Freedom is what the victor craves!  Offense robs the victor of that freedom.  Our job is to do the best we can at remaining in a position where freedom can be the foundational characteristic of our lives.

What are the situations that have you offended right now?  What will you do today when you were offended?  The key to your freedom is to truly find the truth in those situations that have you offended.  Take on today with a new attitude, an attitude based on the reality that  - you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 13 - Why Jesus?

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


“So, why Jesus? Why not Buddha, or Allah, or the God in Me? Simply stated, Jesus represents a religion that has the least amount of performance-based requirements to be acceptable to the Higher Being that that religion worships. All other religions require me to do things, in ever increasing ways, in order to be set right with my God. Christianity is the only religion where God came for me rather than waiting on me to get my life shaped up enough so that I could come to Him.”

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis
 Page 3.

Take a moment and think about how much you are going to be called on to perform today. Even if this is your day off, performance is going to play a critical role in how your get through your day. Don’t believe me, how will you feel if you shank that drive into the woods on hole number 7 today? Whether it is at work, at home, even on the golf course, how well we perform can set the tone for how we feel about ourselves from one moment to the next. The same goes with our church life.

It just doesn’t sit right with me to use performance as a measure of how well my desire to follow my God is going at any given moment in my life. In the studies of various other religions I have done in the past, the do’s and don’ts seem to take precedence when it comes to whether I’m living up to the what others have said is required for me to be in a right walk with my God. On my best day, am I really living up to a standard of a perfect God? The doubt embodied in that question is enough for me to let victim thinking slide into my life.

The apostle Paul puts it this way:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

In its purest sense, following Jesus Christ isn’t about performance. He did it all! That’s why I follow Him. It isn’t about how much I pray, read my Bible, how often I go to church or any of the multitude of performance based activities I do that will bring me any closer to the God who loves me. Following Christ, to me, means that I have given up on being able to work my way to God. I’m trusting my eternity on something God did for me, not what I might be required to do for Him. That gives me a freedom to live this life as the victor Christ died to make me become.

Relying on my ability to perform in any venture of life will ultimately lead to victim thinking. If performance is my benchmark, then when I underperform, or when my performance doesn’t give me the results I want, then I’m open to the kinds of doubts that fuel the fires of victim thinking. I just can’t stand performance to be part of my quest to get to know my God.

I’m not saying that having a standard and working to live up that standard is bad. What I am saying is that the our ability to perform at a certain level isn’t what makes us a victor. If our walk with God is tied to ANY standard, then the day we don’t live up to it we are put in a place where victim thinking can take control.

Today, let Christ take on the power of performance. There is nothing you can ever do in the natural realm to make yourself a victor in God’s eyes. That’s why I need Jesus. Live like the victor He died to make you become. Push off the temptations, even in church, to let victim thinking be fueled by reliance on ourselves to live up to some standard we can never attain.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 12 - Where Do You Work?

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Victims work to be better from a place of guilt, “I don't measure up”. Victors work from a place of desire that God puts in their hearts.”

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis
 Page 46.

Victims and victors alike work in their identity. The difference in their work has to do with motive. Victims work from a motive of guilt. They try to make up for any feeling of less in their lives with activity and hopefully success. Eventually no amount of success can push away that empty feeling that comes to the surface from time to time in our lives. Working from a place of guilt is a perfect ground for the seeds of victim thinking to take root in a victor’s life.

The Bible reading for today deals with the issue of the motives that bring peace.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1 (NIV)

It isn’t by works that we have peace. When will we ever learn that our best efforts will never bring us to a place where peace can be trusted to stay with us. There is always more work to do even when so much energy has been expended on the work that we might have finished so wonderfully in the past. Peace comes through faith. Victors have that faith that comes from the fact that they are Children of God. Their identity is secure so work motives are something different than guilt.

The victor works from a place of desire to see and be seen by God. It is in God’s Presence that victors thrive. Even when bad times hit, God’s Presence can be felt. Though it is hard during difficult times, the fact that God has always been there gives victors a power to persevere and prophet in ways victim thinkers seek through their own guilt driven efforts.

Whatever you put your hand to today do it in a way that will bring you the most of what God has to offer. Don’t let guilt drive your efforts. No amount of anything you do today will make you what your soul longs to be. God has already done that. Work from a place of faith. Faith that you are all God says your are. That way, victor living will be much more likely and productive in your life.

Day 365 - The Year of the Victor

Click here to link directly to the audio file. ********** 365 days done. What an amazing journey this year has been producing this podca...