Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Day 317 - Foot In Mouth

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"We often find ourselves spouting off just as many absurd statements as the Pharisees as we try to justify our belief that the comfortable life we have right now is enough freedom for us."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 64.

Have you ever heard yourself say something that you wish you could take back? Maybe you came across a statement you made in writing some time ago that, in today's light, seems quite absurd. I believe that many of the "foot in mouth" times in life come as we are trying to find the words to defend an undefendable situation.

The Bible is filled with instances where people said things about themselves, their situation and/or their god that just didn't make any sense. At the time they said what they did, it seemed to make a lot of sense to them. Such was the case with the Pharisees during the time Jesus walked the earth.

The Pharisees were the ruling class of the Jewish nation. Not only did these men run the government, they were the religious leaders of the day as well. I don't envy the Pharisees. They really did have it tough. Not only were they tasked with running a nation, that happened to be under the strong hand of the Roman Empire, they were pitted against God Himself in Jesus Christ. These guys had victim thinking opportunities coming at them from every direction.

In the conversations recorded between Jesus and the Pharisees, we see example after example of foolishness being said as a result of these men trying to defend their position, their power and their status. I know that has never happened to you, but, I sure have been in that position where my words have come back to haunt me.

It is when we feel we have to defend our reputation or our identities that foolishness can come out of our mouths as well. You see, the Pharisees felt that Jesus might just be the one to push them over the edge when it came to maintaining their power and prestige. They were walking a thin line with the Roman rulers as it was. Having this guy come on the scene and speak the way He was speaking made the Pharisees do and say things that turned out to be utter nonsense. Ultimately, their actions defending their identities caused the death of an innocent man. Jesus died at the bequest of the Pharisees as they did what they had to do to defend what they saw as their fragile position in their world.

Before we get all high and mighty about the actions of the Pharisees, I want us to consider something very sobering. I believe that we do exactly the same thing when we do and say things to try and protect the fragile facade of the identities we have worked so hard to create in our world. I believe our actions are a kin to killing Jesus all over again when we work so hard to maintain an identity we have crafted to suit our needs.

Jesus came to establish a permanent identity for us all. He spoke of a Kingdom that would not be shaken. He pointed to a way of life that is filled with respect, honor, purpose and destiny. He lead the way to an opening for us all to walk as Children of the Most High King. When He walked this earth, these gifts from Jesus' hands were rejected and Christ was put to death.

All those offers made by Jesus still stand. It is when we decide to try and make the benefits of those offers happen on our terms that we too reject Jesus' gifts and put to death all that He has made possible for us in this life. In that sense, when we do what we think we need to do to create and maintain an identity, we are no better than the Pharisees in our foolishness and cruelty.

Is that too harsh of a commentary when it comes to our self guided efforts? As harsh as it may be, I think it is pretty accurate. God has done a lot for us to be able to live as victors when this world works so well to make us victims. It is when we take matters into our own hands and make identity be what we want it to be that we reject the gifts of Jesus just like was done some 2000 years ago.

When it comes to identity, what this world offers doesn't hold a candle to what God offers. The title of Child of God is something that I'm beginning to see has such prominence and permanence. That title gives me the ability to have a peace that I just haven't found when it comes to trying to make my ideas of what identity should look like happen. It is when I stop doing what I think I need to do to be who I want to be that I start to be who God says I am.

Our reading today warns of words that we might one day regret. Take a look at our reading with me now.

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-31 (NIV)

When we rely on our own efforts to make identity be what we think it needs to be in order to live like a victor we are put in a position where boasting makes foot in mouth disease possible. That's what happened to the Pharisees. They were forced to defend their position against the very one they were charged with bringing the people to see. Our religious leaders are suppose to be pointing us to God, not working to defend their identities and position. When they fail to do the former, the latter makes them shamed, despised and inconsequential.

God never intended for us to be shamed, despised and/or inconsequential. It is when we turn our backs on the gift of victor living He offers and look to our own efforts to make that victor status be all we want it to be that we lose all the benefits God wants for our lives. This doesn't mean that God doesn't love us. It just means that His love can't work for us like it does when we surrender who we are to what God says about us.

Our reading today says that "...Jesus... has become for us wisdom from God..." Isn't it time to exercise that wisdom in your life? Let what God says about you be all you need to live like the victor God already sees you to be. Don't look to what you do to make that happen. When you do, wisdom goes out the window. Let the power of your identity as God's Child be all you need to let victor living empower all you do today.

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