Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Day 97 - Dreams

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"...my belief in dreams is returning because I believe I’m a victor whether my dreams come true or not."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 101.

What did you dream you'd be doing as an adult when you were a child. How's did those dreams turn out for you? I personally know people who are living out the dreams they had for family and work. I also know people, me included, where my dreams from long ago haven't even come close to the reality I'm living out today. For both of those groups, dreams can play a powerful role in how we view who we are.

It is when dreams fail us that we can get into places that God never intended for us to go. When our view of what it will look like when the dreams we have come to fruition doesn't happen the way we think it should or in the timing we want it to be disappointment can really take over. Face disappointment over and over again, particularly where dreams are concerned, and victim thinking steps in to take control. 

I hate those times when dreams just seem to be a lie. Have you ever been in that place? For me the fact that what I thought my life would look like from a very young age didn't come about as I planned. It is when dreams fail to materialize that we can lose faith in any dreams for our life. That's a sad place to be. It's also a place God wants us to recover from as quickly as we can. 

Our Bible reading is one that spells out a dream to a victor in scripture that seemed too good to be true. Check it out for yourself. It says,

The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation..." Genesis 12:1-2 (NLT)

When this promise was made to Abram he was but a young man. Don't you know this dream was something Abram held onto as he journeyed from place to place looking for the fulfillment of that dream. Many, many years later as an old man looking at how his life had turned out, I'm sure Abraham wondered if dreams could ever be trusted. No permanent home, or land and no heirs from which to make the great nation Abraham that was promised so long ago. Don't you know that Abraham must have thought he had missed the boat somehow when it comes to the dreams in his life?

That's the problem with taking a dream from God and trying to apply our understanding as to what that dream means with expectations. Just like Abraham, we too will be disappointed in a way that can almost make us miss the reality of the dreams God speaks. 

God is so much bigger than our expectations. His power is also not limited by our time constraints. God is God. He never goes back on His word. He is never too late at making what He has promised happen. 

If you, like so many of us, have a dream that you know is something beyond yourself and that dream is slow in happening, take heart. God is not in the habit of speaking something and then going back on His word. It will happen - when it happens and how that dream comes true is completely in God's timing and in His way of doing things. 

Don't lose your trust in the dreams that God has placed in your heart. If He is the one that put that dream there you can bank on it happening. He has all eternity to bring that dream into its fullness - don't be impatient and try to rush Him. That's a strategy that just doesn't work. 

What is so amazing about dreams is that God is speaking them constantly. If you are in a holding pattern with a particular dream in your life, don't get so preoccupied with that dream that you miss the others He is speaking over you. Be open to God's leading just like Abraham was in his life. Though it might take many years to see the fullness of the dreams God speaks, know that as His Child, dreams are real. They are right and they are something that we need in order to live this life as the victor He has dreamed for our lives since before we were ever born. 

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