“Victors realize that relationship is what God wants, not results.”
As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 79.
So much of our value is placed on what we accomplish. Results seem to be all that we trust when it comes to who we are and how we view ourselves in this world.
Look, I’m as much a results driven person as the next guy. In fact results are literally one of the idols that I have found to be firmly entrenched in my life. Ever thought about idols in your life? One of the ten commandments clearly states how bad idols are when it comes to worshiping this God who made us.
Many years ago I had time to really dig into my life in ways, I now see, was so God purposed. I remember coming up with a list of three character traits that I felt I was using in ways that I now see was laced with victim thinking tendencies. Each of those three character traits could only be judged by their results. In other words, if I could not clearly see the fruits of my applying these character traits, then I found it hard to believe that I was worthy of the love I so desperately craved.
It isn’t that these character traits were something bad. They weren’t. It was how I was using those traits in such a self serving manner that really got me into trouble. One day I was lamenting the fact that these traits had become something more than just good habits in my life. I saw them as actually getting in the way of my relationship with God as idols are so good at doing. I remember crying out to God for Him to remove those character traits so that my relationship with Him could be restored.
In such a sweet and unforgettable way, I felt God respond to my request for freedom from my idols in a way I totally didn’t expect. Instead of rushing in to remove my three idols, He said that He couldn’t get rid of them – it was as though He was powerless to do so. This was very confusing to me to say the least.
I felt Him asking this interesting question. He said, “Who do you think put those character traits in your life in the first place?” God put those good and useful character traits in my life. It wasn’t the traits that made them idols in my life it was trusting in the results of how I applied those traits that were making my God-given identity into something that it wasn’t suppose to ever be.
Take a look at another Victor in the Bible who woke up to a realization of who He was in idol breaking ways.
The king of Assyria demanded tribute from Hezekiah king of Judah—eleven tons of silver and a ton of gold. Hezekiah turned over all the silver he could find in The Temple of God and in the palace treasuries. Hezekiah even took down the doors of The Temple of God and the doorposts that he had overlaid with gold and gave them to the king of Assyria. 2 Kings 18:14-16 (MSG)
I really like this story. It reminds me of me! I have found that by using the character traits God had placed in my life to serve my need for love in ways that could only be confirmed by results is what made those traits idols in my life. It was how I was using those traits that God took issue with. I was in essence using the gold and silver of God's temple to try and purchase what I needed in this world. Tough this might work for a bit, it ultimately does nothing but ruin my ability to see and trust in this God that loves me.
Good news for Hezekiah is that he woke up to his ways. He spent the rest of his live restoring the temple as best as he could and saw his relationship with God come back to its full glory. Same goes for us all as we realize that we are using the things of God to help pave the way in our lives for success, protection or provision.
How about you? What idols in your life are actually God-give abilities that you are using to make your way more of what you want it to be? It's not necessarily the ability that is the problem. It is more likely the way you are using them that is getting you into trouble.
Take time today to replace some gold and silver in your temple. You do that by dedicating your talents and abilities to God and to His service. Interesting thing is that you will probably end up doing exactly the same things you planned to do. God isn't always looking to completely change your course - He just wants to go along for the ride as you tackle your day. Let Him in. Give Him authority and watch your temple shine with the brilliance it was made to display.
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