Sunday, September 3, 2017

Day 67 – Judging Our Abilities

Thoughts that have come from various quotes taken from the book, "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim Based Society" by John H. Hovis. Click here to link directly to the audio file.


"Trying to judge what can be done in our life by analyzing our abilities limits God’s will because we see ourselves as limited by our negatives. This is the height of victim thinking."

As quoted from the book "Victor - Breaking Free From a Victim-Based Society" by John H. Hovis Page 117.

Why is it so hard for us to be a realistic judge of our abilities? Haven’t you seen those singers trying out for the various TV shows looking for the next popular idol? So many of them have no singing ability at all but really believe that they are the next superstar. As bad, not to mention embarrassing, as it is to not be able to recognize how bad we are at something, it is tragic to fail  to move forward in this life because we don’t feel we are able enough to get done what God might be calling us to do.

I read once that is it so difficult to see the God-given talents in our own lives. At the same time it is so much easier to see those same God-given talents in the lives of others. I saw these statements come to life as a friend and I were sitting next to each other during a church teaching time one evening a few years ago.

In this meeting the teacher was speaking on love and on purpose. I can’t remember the exact connection between these two words, but I remember the discussion I had with my friend afterword. I said to my friend, “I don’t feel all that purposeful in my life.” In other words, I was expressing the fact that I kind of felt lost and didn’t think purpose played much of a role in my life. This friend what horrified at that statement. She told me that she thought I was one of the most purpose filled people she had ever met. She went on to give me three examples that she had personally witnessed that had real impact in her life that came about as a direct result of what she knew to be purpose flowing from my life. I was stunned!

She then went on to say that she didn’t feel particularly loving as a person. Now it was my turned to be horrified. This woman was one of the most loving people I had ever met. She was a mother and a sister to more people than I will ever know. I shared with her at least three examples of where I saw love being the foundation for things she had done in my life as well in the lives of others.

We both were shocked. Here a person who wasn’t feeling particularly loving was pouring love out on a person feeling less than purposeful. I’m beginning to think that God doesn’t want us to recognize the talents He has deposited in us for three reasons. First of all, by being in the lives of others, those talents will be recognized and reinforced in our own life. Secondly, I think that if we could see how talented God has made us pride might become a negative force when it comes to our effectiveness in God. The third reason God might not let us see the fullness of the goodness he has placed in our lives is found in today’s Bible reading.

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 (NIV)

Not recognizing the competence he has placed in our lives because of the lack of proof, like the letter of the law, is a killer to faith. It is when we believe by the Spirit that life is given. God doesn’t need us to be competent, He needs is to be connected to Him and to others. It is through relationship that we will see the talents He has placed inside of us. It is through relationship with Him that those talents take on the power to have real and lasting change in this world.

If there is an area in your life where you think that you have it all going on so as to be ready to compete on a national stage against others with that same talent, make sure you aren’t fooling your self. Listen to the input from others and make sure you are judging your abilities in the best possible light.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you feel incompetent in an area where you believe God is leading you to be a part of, don’t let that feeling stop you from taking a chance. It just might be that God wants to be your strength in an area you feel weak so that maximum impact can be had. Remember, He is our Father. We are His children. It is as though our DNA is riddled with greatness. Want to know something, it is! That’s the destiny of the victory God has made you to be. His greatness is to shine in your life whether you can quantify that greatness yourself or not.

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